For Safeguarding concerns or enquiries please contact for our safeguarding officer: Steve Aston by email or 07703 575750, or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Tel 01904 699524 or email For further details please see our safeguarding policy for further contact details.A Message from Bishop Glyn:
Dear all,
There is currently marked disruption in church due to a complete redecoration; with areas of the building inaccessible for health and safety reasons.
Unfortunately, this means you will not be able to see All Saints in all its glory (a great reason to make a return visit)! However, Church remains open to visitors and all are most welcome to visit and view that which is uncovered. We will post details of any closures on this page and across our social media pages. Please visit our What's On page for details of upcoming services and events.
Every blessing