
Coffee Morning

All Saints Church North Street, York, United Kingdom

Coffee Morning A weekly opportunity to join us for a hot drink and a chat. Refreshments provided on a donate-as-you-feel basis. Members of the All Saints North Street community are usually available at coffee mornings to answer any questions or give informal tours of our world-class stained glass. Every Thursday 11:00 - 12:30.

Sung Mass

Diamond Anniversary of the Priesting of Father Ralph Crow

Coffee Morning

All Saints Church North Street, York, United Kingdom

Coffee Morning A weekly opportunity to join us for a hot drink and a chat. Refreshments provided on a donate-as-you-feel basis. Members of the All Saints North Street community are usually available at coffee mornings to answer any questions or give informal tours of our world-class stained glass. Every Thursday 11:00 - 12:30.

Said Mass

Ss Cosmas & Damian. Twin brothers, both physicians, martyred in the 3rd century in Cilicia, part of modern Turkey.

Organ Recital

Our recitalist is Asher Oliver of Guildford Cathedral. Refreshments served, retiring collection. Open to all.

Autumn Flowers Workshop

Brighten your home with an autumnal floral arrangement of your own creation! In this workshop, expert tutor Kay Ford will guide you in creating a beautiful seasonal flower arrangement using sustainable foam-free techniques. Flowers, containers, supporting materials, and refreshments are included in the ticket price but please bring your own scissors or secateurs. The medieval parish church of All Saints North Street is a beautiful and atmospheric setting for this relaxed workshop. All activities will take place in a wheelchair-accessible […]

St Michael and All Angels Sung Mass

Originally the first of S. Michael the Archangel, the day of dedication of the Roman Basilica of S. Michael. Archbishop Cranmer added ‘and all Angels’ in the BCP, and the Roman revisers of 1969 added ‘and Ss Gabriel and Raphael’. It was upon this day, 20 years ago, that the Consistory Court of the Archdiocese of York sat here (with the Chancellor seated on the Chancel step, framed by the screen) and pronounced in his judgement that the statue of […]