All Saints Church

Music at All Saints

An integral part of the rich liturgy at All Saints

At the weekly 17:30 Sunday Sung Mass, the Cantors and Congregation sing the Plainchant Propers and Ordinary of the Mass (Kyrie: Missa de Angelis) (Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus and Angus Dei: Merbecke).

During penitential seasons (Lent and Advent), the Kyrie is also sung to Merbecke and the Lent Prose or Advent Prose is sung by the Cantors. On the first Sunday of every month, the cantors sing Asperges me at the start of the service (which is replaced by Vidi Aquam during Eastertide).

Maximillian Elliott (Organ Scholar) and Steve Aston (Director of Music)

We are fortunate that we possess sufficient copies of the English Hymnal, New English Hymnal and Ancient & Modern, to facilitate the use of all three hymnbooks during the year.

In order to enhance the liturgy of different seasons further, the Cantors may choose to sing the plainsong Sequences (or sing a hymn based upon the same texts).

The sequences that are used at All Saints, include: Salus Aeterna (Advent), Laetabundus (Christmas), Jesu dulcis memoria (Holy Name), Vexilla Regis (Good Friday), Veni Sancte Spiritus (Pentecost), Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Corpus Christi), Sponsa Christi (All Saints’ Day), Dies Irae (All Souls’ Day) and Ave Maris Stella (Marian Festivals). The Epistle and Gospel lessons will often also be intoned on feast days. At the end of most services, the Angelus is sung by the clergy and congregation.

At many of the major festivals, we have the privilege of welcoming some of the region’s excellent independent choirs. On such occasions, the choir will sing a choral mass setting and appropriate anthems. We are particularly grateful to the Ebor Singers, Clerkes of All Saints and the St Peter’s Singers for their recent contributions to our liturgy.

The Organ

The church boasts an excellent two-manual pipe organ, built in 1996 by Principal Pipe Organs. For more details about the instrument, please read the following article about the history of this organ and its predecessors.

The organ at All Saints church

Every summer, the church hosts a series of organ recitals. Please see the poster below for more information.

Organ Recitals

If you would like to find out more about the music at All Saints, please speak to one of our organists after any sung service.

Chorale Prelude: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
D Buxtehude
J Krebs
Chorale Prelude: Ich ruf'zu dir Herr Jesu Christ
J S Bach
Chorale Prelude: Der Tag der ist so freudenreich
J S Bach
Chorale Prelude: Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
J S Bach
All' Elevazione
D Zipoli
T Tomkins
Rorate Coeli verse 1
Rorate Coeli verse 2
Rorate Coeli complete
Advent Antiphon Dec 22
Advent Antiphon Dec 21
Advent Antiphon Dec 20
Advent Antiphon Dec 19
Advent Antiphon Dec 17
A Corelli
A Corelli