All Saints Church

Follow our complete guide to Sung Mass at All Saints North Street.

At the beginning of mass the servers and celebrant form up at the back of church. Five servers are usually on duty during a Sung Mass, occupying the roles of thurifer (swinging incense), crucifer (carrying the processional cross), taperers (carrying candles) and MC (Master of Ceremonies). The celebrant is dressed in Eucharistic vestments and wears a hat, called a biretta.
Entrance to the Chancel
The MC rings a bell and the altar party process into the chancel as a hymn is sung. On entering the chancel the celebrant removes his biretta and bows to the processional cross.
Celebrant prepares for the mass
Standing at the lowest altar step the celebrant prepares for the mass by making his confession. The people making their confession after him.
The celebrant goes up to the altar
The celebrant goes up to the altar, kisses it and incense is then placed in the thurible and blessed.

The high altar is censed
The high altar is censed.
The celebrant is censed in turn
After the altar is censed the celebrant is censed in turn.
Gloria in Excelsis
The celebrant moves to the sedilia on the south side of the chancel and intones the beginning of the Gloria in Excelsis.
The celebrant sings the Collect
After the Gloria, with the MC holding the book, the celebrant sings the Collect.

The Gradual is sung
While the MC reads the Epistle reading for the day the celebrant puts on his biretta and sits in the sedilia. The Gradual is sung and the celebrant prepares himself to sing the Gospel.
The celebrant sings the Gospel
The celebrant preceded by the servers goes to the lectern in the nave and sings the Gospel reading.
The Celebrant returns to the sedilia
After the Gospel the celebrant returns to the sedilia in the chancel and intones the beginning of the Creed.
The celebrant makes a profound bow
During the Creed at the words 'And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man' the celebrant makes a profound bow.

The celebrant goes up to the altar
At the end of the Creed the celebrant goes up to the altar and turning to the congregation asks them to pray for him as he undertakes the sacrifice of the mass.
Bread and wine are placed on the altar
When the elements of bread and wine are placed on the altar incense is blessed.
The celebrant censes the offerings
The celebrant censes the offerings of bread and wine.
He genuflects and censes the altar
He genuflects and censes the altar.

The celebrant is censed
The celebrant is censed. The servers and congregation are censed in turn.
The celebrant begins the Canon of the mass
The celebrant begins the Canon of the mass, he silently prays asking God to accept and bless the offerings of bread and wine.
The celebrant elevates the bread
At Christ's words of institution from the last Supper 'This is my Body do this in remembrance of Me' the celebrant elevates the bread, now consecrated, above his head. He then does the same with the chalice wine.
Everybody kneels during the Canon
Everybody kneels during the Canon, during the elevations the taperers raise their candles and the thurifer censes.

The Canon continues
The Canon continues. When it it complete the congregation sing the Lord's Prayer and Agnus Dei. The celebrant bestows the peace on the congregation. Then the congregation receive the sacrament.
the celebrant returns to the altar
When all have received the sacrament the celebrant returns to the altar, he consumes the remainder of the sacrament and washes the vessels. He then turns from the altar and bestows God's blessing on the congregation.
The celebrant reads the 'Last Gospel'
Returning to the altar, standing towards the north side of it the celebrant reads the opening passages of St John's Gospel, known as the 'Last Gospel'.
The altar party then leave the chancel
Having descended from the altar and put on his birretta, the altar party then leave the chancel.